Clubs & associations

CLUBS & associations

Student clubs

It’s impossible to imagine student life without student clubs. Usually they’re linked to a certain discipline, but in the end everyone’s welcome of course. Every student club has got its favourite pub and organizes the coolest events, so you as a student have more to do than just study diligently (please, don’t tell your parents!).

Need an overview of all the student clubs in Antwerp? We’ve got it!

Antwerps Studentenoverleg

The Antwerp city council is building up a bustling student city, together with its students. That’s why since 2003 already, the Antwerp students have a vote in the city policy of Antwerp. Via the Antwerps Studentenoverleg council 26 delegates formulate advice to the city council.

Kick-off for Antwerp student presidiums

Yearly, STAN together with the Antwerp student participation council and the City of Antwerp welcome all student delegates and student presidiums for an afternoon filled with inspiration and information during the Kick-off for Antwerp student presidiums and student delegates. During this event you can take part in interesting workshops and find answers to your questions regarding organizing activities in the city and the Student Charter.

The Antwerp student participation council has been drawing up the charter since 2009 and hands it out with some explanation during the Kick-off. Thanks to this charter, the inauguration days and all the parties connected to this happen correctly, making our student city a pleasant, safe and cosy one. At the end of the day, every student is welcomed to debate around a gripping student theme. Mind you: this day is organized entirely in Dutch.

Kick it! click here for more info about the kick-off

Frequently asked questions

Feeling like joining a student club? Do some research to find out which club matches with your subject most. You can use the overview for this, which we’ve composed for you. Surf to the club’s websites, contact them, ask your questions to the student presidiums or to fellow students and find your perfect match.

Not every student club requires compulsory participation in the inauguration ceremony. You can get more info about this with the student club of your choice.

In Antwerp we have the student club ESN Antwerp (Erasmus Student Network). All year round they organize cool events for all the international students in Antwerp. A cool addition: as an international student you can apply for a ‘Buddy System’, where you’re matched with an Antwerp student that you can totally pester with your questions. For more info, check the website of ESN Antwerp.


“Is Antwerp your Erasmus destination? Join the ESN Antwerp ‘Ice Breaking Week’ at the beginning of the semester and get to know all your fellow Erasmus students while participating in fun activities!”


Still a question? Ellen is working with clubs and associations. You can contact her or the reception with questions, comments or ideas.